Erasmus+ project Developing volunteering as a part of individual learning path (VOLUGRAM)

About the project
Project aim is to acknowledge voluntary work as a flexible, informal and individual learning path, develop assessment and validation of micro-volunteering.
In 2024 there are three cities that are designated with the ECoC title: Tartu (EE), Bad Ischl-Salzkammergut (AU), Bodö(NO).
The aim is to foster culture driven development in a broader sense. Obviously it means a diverse culture programme to be planned and implemented but it also has strong connections with education, entrepreneurship and community development. The educational establishments, businesses and non-governmental organisations, thousands of people are a part of these communities and will contribute to achieve broader aims of ECoC.
This project is driven from the idea to build wider cooperation uniting the culture capitals with the learning communities and education system. It means a capable voluntary community, skilled and competent coordinators and leaders as well as tools to acknowledge and validate voluntary work as a part of an individual learning path in education. According to a modern learning approach, the flexible, informal and individual learning must be appreciated along with the formal learning process. Adults, but also other specific groups in communities such as minorities, refugees, NEETs or elderly people may have several barriers in participating in formal education.
Adult education strategies have pointed out the need to raise participation in lifelong learning as well as need for more flexible and individualised solutions to learn.
Culture, sports or other community events could be considered as learning environments. Learning-by-doing and peer-topeer learning are some examples of the concept of informal and individual learning and this is what happens when using volunteers in organisation of events. For example, volunteering can offer migrants additional and practical language skills.
The project will fill gaps between volunteering, informal learning and community events by developing sustainable platforms in project areas but also viable solutions that could transfer to the European level. Specifically the project will develop and give access to quality training materials and guidelines for volunteer coordinators that can be used in other areas and communities. Also the project develops methods and e-tool to validate voluntary work as a part of the individual learning process.